Curse Remove
Dowry system is a curse on our society. This system was applicable in all civilizations and religions that did not permit division of parental property between the daughter and the son equally. Dowry system has become a greed for many parents, despite the fact that governments have regulated equal rights for girls in the parent’s property and to get the best solutions for the curse problem consult the Famous Indian Astrologer in South Africa Pandit Surya Ji.
Famous Indian Astrologer in South Africa.
At least a dozen women die each day in kitchen fire, and some are harassed and victimised. Some commit suicide due to extreme sufferings and mental tortures for not paying repeated demands of dowry. Only a few cases are brought to justice and people can take suggestions from the famous Indian Astrologer in South Africa Pandit Surya who can help with all the best possible ideas to remove curse.
The son has become a saleable property that parents want to sell at the best. The dowry system was something originally purposed for the independent wealth of the bride in a time when she was unlikely to work outside her home or for any mishap. Like many customs and traditions, time changed the original meaning and purpose.
While the dowry system is still in place, it has become more of a ‘bride-price’ system. The parents of a baby girl must come up with a respectable dowry. If a good dowry is not made, the girl is unlikely to have a ‘good’ match.
A good match for a very poor family might be marriage of their daughter into a slightly better financed family or a good match for a middle- income family might be finding a husband who is a doctor or engineer. As you might have probably guessed, there are very few brides who actually retain their dowry after marriage.
So to make better decisions in life one must consult our top Indian Astrologer in South Africa to get rid of curse on them especially in terms of curse removing done by Famous Indian Astrologer in South Africa who is Pandit Surya Ji.